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康红普,徐刚,王彪谋,等.我国煤炭开采与岩层控制技术发展 40 a 及展望[J].采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013501.KANG Hongpu,XU Gang,WANG Biaomou,et al.  Forty years development and prospects of underground coal mining and strata control technologies in China[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013501.

康红普,姜鹏飞,刘畅. 煤巷智能快速掘进技术与装备的发展方向[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023535.KANG Hongpu,JIANG Pengfei,LIU Chang. Development of intelligent rapid excavation technology and equipment for coal mine roadways[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023535.

康红普.  煤炭开采与岩层控制的空间尺度分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023538. KANG Hongpu. Spatial scale analysis on coal mining and strata control technologies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023538.

康红普. 煤炭开采与岩层控制的时间尺度分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013538. KANG Hongpu. Temporal scale analysis on coal mining and strata control technologies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013538.

王国法,庞义辉,任怀伟. 煤矿智能化开采模式与技术路径[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013501. WANG Guofa,PANG Yihui,REN Huaiwei. Intelligent coal mining pattern and technological path[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013501.

蔡美峰. 深部开采围岩稳定性与岩层控制关键理论和技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033037. CAI Meifeng. Key theories and technonogies for surrounding rock stability and ground control in deep mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033037.

王双明,申艳军,孙强,等. 西部生态脆弱区煤炭减损开采地质保障科学问题及技术展望[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043531. WANG Shuangming,SHEN Yanjun,SUN Qiang,et al. Scientific issues of coal detraction mining geological assurance and their technology expectations in ecologically fragile mining areas of Western China[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043531.

王家臣. 基于采动岩层控制的煤炭科学开采[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013505. WANG Jiachen. Sustainable coal mining based on mining ground control[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013505.

张农,韩昌良,谢正正. 煤巷连续梁控顶理论与高效支护技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013005. ZHANG Nong,HAN Changliang,XIE Zhengzheng. Theory of continuous beam control and high efficiency supporting technology in coal roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013005.

张吉雄,鞠杨,张强,等. 矿山生态环境低损害开采体系与方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013515. ZHANG Jixiong,JU Yang,ZHANG Qiang,et al. Low ecological environment damage technology and method in coal mines[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013515.

许家林,轩大洋,朱卫兵,等. 基于关键层控制的部分充填采煤技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013504. XU Jialin,XUAN Dayang,ZHU Weibing,et al. Partial backfilling coal mining technology based on key strata control[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013504.

朱万成,牛雷雷,李少华,等. 岩石蠕变-冲击试验研究———现状与展望[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013003. ZHU Wancheng,NIU Leilei,LI Shaohua,et al. Creep-impact test of rock:Status-of-the-art and prospect[J]. Journal of Mining and StrataControl Engineering,2019,1(1):013003.

左建平,于美鲁,胡顺银,等. 不同厚度岩层破断模式实验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013007. ZUO Jianping,YU Meilu,HU Shunyin,et al. Experimental investigation on fracture mode of different thick rock strata[J].  Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013007.

高富强. 数值模拟在地下煤矿开采岩石力学问题中的应用[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013004. GAO Fuqiang. Use of numerical modeling for analyzing rock mechanic problems in underground coal mine practices[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013004.

高富强. 工作面坚硬顶板水力压裂对采动应力影响的数值模拟研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023032. GAO Fuqiang. Influence of hydraulic fracturing of strong roof on mining-induced stress-insight from numerical simulation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023032.

杜云楼,冯国瑞,康红普,等. 不同黏结长度锚杆拉拔承载特性研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033012. DU Yunlou,FENG Guorui,KANG Hongpu,et al. Investigation on the pull-out bearing characteristics of bolts with different bond lengths[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033012.

王波,陆长亮,黄子康,等. 岩石三轴流变扰动效应损伤演化特征试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043028.WANG Bo,LU Changliang,HUANG Zikang,et al. Experimental study on damage evolution characteristics of rock under triaxial rheological disturbance[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043028.

姚强岭,朱贵伟,郑闯凯,等. 厚煤层沿空巷道主动式超前支护技术与实践[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013531. YAO Qiangling,ZHU Guiwei,ZHENG Chuangkai,et al. Active advanced support technology and practice of thick coal seam along goaf roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013531.

张培森,许大强,付翔,等. 基于断层封闭性研究评价其导水性[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023033. ZHANG Peisen,XU Daqiang,FU Xiang,et al. Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity based on fault confinement studies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023033.

侯刚,王国法,薛忠新,等. 煤矿辅助运输自动驾驶关键技术与装备[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033515. HOU Gang,WANG Guofa,XUE Zhongxin,et al. Key technologies and equipment for automatic driving of coal mine auxiliary transportation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033515.

朱万成,董航宇,刘溪鸽,等. 金属矿山多矿柱承载与失稳破坏研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043037.ZHU Wancheng,DONG Hangyu,LIU Xige,et al. Review of bearing and instability of multi-pillar in metal mines[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043037.

潘俊锋,闫耀东,马宏源,等. 一次成孔300 mm煤层大直径钻孔防冲效能试验[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053013.PAN Junfeng,YAN Yaodong,MA Hongyuan,et al. Using 300 mm diameter boreholes for coal burst prevention a case study[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053013.

栾恒杰,曹艳伟,蒋宇静,等. 锚杆拉剪耦合失效模式在FLAC3D中的实现与应用[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063029.LUAN Hengjie,CAO Yanwei,JIANG Yujing,et al. Implementation of tension-shear coupling failure mode of rock bolts in FLAC3D and its application[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063029.

张淑坤,王来贵,杨浩杰,等. 深部巷道功能性支护构建及数值模拟研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013012.       ZHANG Shukun,WANG Laigui,YANG Haojie,et al. Construction and numerical simulation research of functional supporting in deep roadways[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013012.

张培森,许大强,张晓乐,等. 煤层底板破坏深度多因素影响指标分析与深度预测[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033037.ZHANG Peisen,XU Daqiang,ZHANG Xiaole,et al. Multi-factor influence index analysis and prediction of failure depth of coal seam floor[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033037.

李青海,柳昌涛,史卫平,等. 基于不同锚固角度的倾斜节理岩体剪切破坏特征研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043025. LI Qinghai,LIU Changtao,SHI Weiping,et al. Study on shear failure characteristics of inclined jointed rock mass based on different anchorage angles[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043025.

岳中文,王大乐,王贯东,等. 煤巷掘进临时支护技术与装备研究进展及发展路径[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053047.YUE Zhongwen,WANG Dale,WANG Guandong,et al. Research progress and development path of temporary support technology and equipment for coal mine roadway excavation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053047.


康红普,徐刚,王彪谋,等.我国煤炭开采与岩层控制技术发展 40 a 及展望[J].采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013501.KANG Hongpu,XU Gang,WANG Biaomou,et al.  Forty years development and prospects of underground coal mining and strata control technologies in China[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013501.

王家臣. 基于采动岩层控制的煤炭科学开采[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013505. WANG Jiachen. Sustainable coal mining based on mining ground control[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013505.

张农,韩昌良,谢正正. 煤巷连续梁控顶理论与高效支护技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013005. ZHANG Nong,HAN Changliang,XIE Zhengzheng. Theory of continuous beam control and high efficiency supporting technology in coal roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013005.

张吉雄,鞠杨,张强,等. 矿山生态环境低损害开采体系与方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013515. ZHANG Jixiong,JU Yang,ZHANG Qiang,et al. Low ecological environment damage technology and method in coal mines[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013515.

许家林,轩大洋,朱卫兵,等. 基于关键层控制的部分充填采煤技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013504. XU Jialin,XUAN Dayang,ZHU Weibing,et al. Partial backfilling coal mining technology based on key strata control[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013504.

朱万成,牛雷雷,李少华,等. 岩石蠕变-冲击试验研究———现状与展望[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013003. ZHU Wancheng,NIU Leilei,LI Shaohua,et al. Creep-impact test of rock:Status-of-the-art and prospect[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013003.

左建平,于美鲁,胡顺银,等. 不同厚度岩层破断模式实验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013007. ZUO Jianping,YU Meilu,HU Shunyin,et al. Experimental investigation on fracture mode of different thick rock strata[J].  Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013007.

高富强. 数值模拟在地下煤矿开采岩石力学问题中的应用[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2019,1(1):013004. GAO Fuqiang. Use of numerical modeling for analyzing rock mechanic problems in underground coal mine practices[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2019,1(1):013004.


王国法,庞义辉,任怀伟. 煤矿智能化开采模式与技术路径[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013501. WANG Guofa,PANG Yihui,REN Huaiwei. Intelligent coal mining pattern and technological path[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013501.

侯恩科,从通,谢晓深,等. 基于颗粒流的浅埋双煤层斜交开采地表裂缝发育特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013521. HOU Enke,CONG Tong,XIE Xiaoshen,et al. Ground surface fracture development characteristics of shallow double coal seam staggered mining based on particle flow[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013521.

肖江,郝强强,张思达,等. 油井套管对工作面矿压显现规律的影响[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013522. XIAO Jiang,HAO Qiangqiang,ZHANG Sida,et al. Influence of oil well casing on the law of strata pressure in working face[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013522.

李江华,李宏杰,李在春,等. 珲春河下近距离煤层开采及对河堤损害影响的研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013538. LI Jianghua,LI Hongjie,LI Zaichun,et al. Research on river dike failure of short-distance coal seams mining under Hunchun River[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013538.

汪杰,张超,郑迪,等. 考虑时间效应的采空区顶板稳定性分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013011. WANG Jie,ZHANG Chao,ZHENG Di,et al. Stability analysis of roof in goaf considering time effect[J].  Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013011.

苏士龙,杜跃,朱俊福,等. 基于离散元方法的深部巷道层状围岩稳定特性研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013002. SU Shilong,DU Yue,ZHU Junfu,et al. Numerical study on bearing behavior of layered rock mass for deep roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013002.

杨光辉,王开,张小强. 深井巷内预制充填体切顶无煤柱开采技术研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013038. YANG Guanghui,WANG Kai,ZHANG Xiaoqiang. Study on non-pillar mining technology of preset packing body and roof cutting in deep well roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013038.

李尧,杜刚. 含瓦斯抽放钻孔沿空掘巷窄煤柱合理宽度研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013007. LI Yao,DU Gang. Reasonable width of narrow coal pillars in roadway driving with gas drainage hole[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013007.

夏永学,鞠文君,苏士杰,等. 冲击地压煤层水力扩孔掏槽防冲试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013022. XIA Yongxue,JU Wenjun,SU Shijie,et al. Experimental study on hydraulic reaming of gutters in coal seam with impact pressure[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013022.

张丁丁,李淑军,张曦,等. 分布式光纤监测的采动断层活化特征实验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):013018. ZHANG Dingding,LI Shujun,ZHANG Xi,et,al. Experimental study on mining fault activation characteristics by a distributed optical fiber system[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):013018.

徐乃忠,高超. 正断层存在的地表沉陷特殊性规律研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(1):011007. XU Naizhong,GAO Chao. Study on the special rules of surface subsidence affected by normal faults[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(1):011007.


康红普.  煤炭开采与岩层控制的空间尺度分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023538. KANG Hongpu. Spatial scale analysis on coal mining and strata control technologies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023538.

胡青峰,崔希民,刘文锴,等.  特厚煤层重复开采覆岩与地表移动变形规律研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023021. HU Qingfeng,CUI Ximin,LIU Wenkai,et al. Law of overburden and surface movement and deformation due to mining super thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023021.

王羽扬,刘勇,王沉,等.  基于层次分析法的软岩巷道支护方案优化及应用研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023037. WANG Yuyang,LIU Yong,WANG Chen,et al. Optimization and application research of soft rock roadway support scheme based on AHP[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023037.

赵庆冲,付宝杰.  受动压影响巷道围岩松动圈测试及支护技术研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023031. ZHAO Qingchong,FU Baojie. Study on loose zone testing and support technology of roadway surrounding rock affected by dynamic pressure[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023031.

王普,张百胜,王磊,等.  膨胀软岩顶板回采巷道支护技术研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023022. WANG Pu,ZHANG Baisheng,WANG LEI,et al. Research onroof falling mechanism and support technology of mining roadway in expansivesoft rock [J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023022.

张天,王逸良.  多次采动巷道围岩变形演化规律及支护技术研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023016. ZHANG Tian,WANG Yiliang. Study on deformation evolution law and support technology of surrounding rock in multiple mining roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023016.

柴敬,欧阳一博,张丁丁. DIC在相似材料模型中的裂隙检测[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023015. CHAI Jing,OUYANG Yibo,ZHANG Dingding. Crack detection method in similar material models based on DIC[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023015.

刘垚鑫,高明仕,赵华山,等.  钻孔测井技术探测覆岩结构及其关键层判识[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):023038. LIU Yaoxin,GAO Mingshi,ZHAO Huashan,et al. Detection of overlying rock structure and identification of key stratum bydrilling and logging technology[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):023038.

张斌,苏学贵,段振雄,等. YOLOv2在煤岩智能识别与定位中的应用研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):026531. ZHANG Bin,SU Xuegui,DUAN Zhenxiong,et al. Application of YOLOv2 in intelligent recognition and location of coal and rock[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):026531.

陈建伟.  基于有限元与实测数据的掘进机回转台振动特性分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(2):026032. CHEN Jianwei. Analysis of roadheader's rotary table on vibration modal based on finite element method and tested data[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(2):026032.


蔡美峰. 深部开采围岩稳定性与岩层控制关键理论和技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033037. CAI Meifeng. Key theories and technonogies for surrounding rock stability and ground control in deep mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033037.

李金奎,王浩. 深部巷道复合顶板全锚索一次支护研究 [J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033036. LI Jinkui,WANG Hao. Ground support of interbedded rock roof in a deep roadway with fully-anchored cables [J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033036.

马文著,周晓敏,谭帅. 承压水上煤层底板破坏特征研究——以山西义棠煤矿为例[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033011. MA Wenzhu,ZHOU Xiaomin,TAN Shuai. Study on failure characteristics of coal seam floor above confined water:A case study of Shanxi Yitang Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033011.

范凯. 龙滩矿沿空留巷顶板突变式变形规律与复合支护切顶技术[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033032. FAN Kai. Sudden deformation characteristic and cutting-roof support technology for double-used roadways in Longtan Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033032.

王宇,涂敏,付宝杰,等. 深井侧向采动应力分布规律及沿空巷道支护[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033012. WANG Yu,TU Min,FU Baojie,et al. Lateral mining-induced stress distributive property of deep mining and gob-side entry support[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033012.

张超,宋卫东,付建新,等. 海底金矿破碎岩体巷道治理技术的研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033039. ZHANG Chao,SONG Weidong,FU Jianxin,et al. Technology for roadway management of fractured rock masses in a submarine gold mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033039.

夏永学,陆闯,杨光宇,等. 坚硬顶板孔内磨砂射流轴向切缝及压裂试验研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033522. XIA Yongxue,LU Chuang,YANG Guangyu,et al. Experimental study on axial fracture cutting and fracturing of abrasive jet in hard roof hole[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033522.

张保良,沈宝堂,张金虎,等.  脆性类岩石材料边缘裂纹扩展规律试验研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033035. ZHANG Baoliang,SHEN Baotang,ZHANG Jinhu,et al. Experimental study of edge-opened cracks propagation in rock-like materials[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033035.

柴敬,欧阳一博,张丁丁,等. 采场覆岩变形分布式光纤监测岩体-光纤耦合性分析[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):033038. CHAI Jing,OUYANG Yibo,ZHANG Dingding,et al. Theoretical analysis of the mechanical coupling between rock and optical fiber for distributed sensing of overlying strata deformation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):033038.

任艳芳. 综采工作面液压支架支护能力的分析与评价方法[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):036012. REN Yanfang. Analysis and evaluation method for supporting ability of supports in coalmine working face[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):036012.

付翔,王然风. 工作面供液系统与液压支架协同自适应控制模型设计[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):036031. FU Xiang,WANG Ranfeng. Cooperative self-adaptive control model of fluid feeding system and hydraulic supports in working face[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):036031.

侯恩科,谢晓深,徐友宁,等. 羊场湾煤矿采动地裂缝发育特征及规律研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(3):037038. HOU Enke,XIE Xiaoshen,XU Youning,et al. Prediction of ground cracks induced by coal mining in Yangchangwan Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(3):037038.


王双明,申艳军,孙强,等. 西部生态脆弱区煤炭减损开采地质保障科学问题及技术展望[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043531. WANG Shuangming,SHEN Yanjun,SUN Qiang,et al. Scientific issues of coal detraction mining geological assurance and their technology expectations in ecologically fragile mining areas of Western China[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043531.

程健维,赵刚,撒占友,等. 井工矿开采致覆岩层移动变形预测计算模型及工程应用[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043523. CHENG Jianwei,ZHAO Gang,SA Zhanyou,et al. Overlying strata movement and deformation calculation prediction models for underground coal mines[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043523.

李云鹏,崔峰,杨文化,等. 急斜特厚煤层综放开采顶板动态运移规律及其控制[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043538. LI Yunpeng,CUI Feng,YANG Wenhua,et al. Dynamic migration law and its control of roof in fully mechanized top coal caving mining in extremely steep and thick coal seams[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043538.

贾川,胡成成. 厚煤层沿空掘巷围岩失稳机制及控制技术[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043535. JIA Chuan,HU Chengcheng. Instability mechanism and control technology of longwall entries driving along the gob in a thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043535.

蔡音飞,李晓静,邓伟男,等. 高强度开采地表移动变形规律及减损关键参数模拟[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043511. CAI Yinfei,LI Xiaojing,DENG Weinan,et al. Simulation of surface movement and deformation rules and detriment key parameters in high-strength mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043511.

潘浩,朱磊,张新福,等. 深部临时水仓硐室群围岩偏应力分布特征与控制技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043033. PAN Hao,ZHU Lei,ZHANG Xinfu,et al. Distribution characteristics of deviatoric stress and control technology of surrounding rock at temporary water chamber group in deep mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043033.

柴敬,王润沛,杜文刚,等. 基于XGBoost的光纤监测矿压时序预测研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043035. CHAI Jing,WANG Runpei,DU Wengang,et al. Study on time series prediction of rock pressure by XGBoost in optical fiber monitoring[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043035.

杨登峰,张拥军,王盛,等. 浅埋煤层顶板隐伏断层倾角对矿压显现影响分析[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043038. YANG Dengfeng,ZHANG Yongjun,WANG Sheng,et al. Analysis of the influence of hidden fault dip angle on ground pressure behavior in shallow seam roof[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043038.

李利峰,张晓虎,邓慧琳,等. 不同加载速率下砂岩的单轴压缩试验力学特性及能量演化规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):043037. LI Lifeng,ZHANG Xiaohu,DENG Huilin,et al. Mechanical properties and energy evolution of sandstone subjected to uniaxial compression with different loading rates[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):043037.

陈树亮,黄炳香,李丁,等. 煤岩体高压磨料水力割缝基本规律的试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):047521. CHEN Shuliang,HUANG Bingxiang,LI Ding,et al. Experiment study on the basic law of high pressure abrasive hydraulic cutting for coal-rock mass[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):047521.

毕银丽,李向磊,郭楠. 东部草原露天开采对植被与土壤养分空间异质性影响[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):047036. BI Yinli,LI Xianglei,GUO Nan. Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil nutrients induced by the open-pit mining in eastern grassland of China[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):047036.

滕超群,王磊,魏鹏,等. 基于混合蛙跳算法的概率积分模型参数反演[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2020,2(4):047038. TENG Chaoqun,WANG Lei,WEI Peng,et al. Parameter inversion of probability integral prediction based on shuffled frog leaping algorithm[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2020,2(4):047038.


康红普. 煤炭开采与岩层控制的时间尺度分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013538. KANG Hongpu. Temporal scale analysis on coal mining and strata control technologies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013538.

余学义,王昭舜,杨云,等. 大采深综放开采覆岩移动规律离散元数值模拟研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013533. YU Xueyi,WANG Zhaoshun,YANG Yun,et al. Movement rule of overburden in fully mechanized caving mining with thick depth and high mining height based on 3DEC[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013533.

朱伟,滕永海. 堰塞湖下特厚煤层综放开采安全性及采动影响研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013525. ZHU Wei,TENG Yonghai. Study on safety and mining influence of fully-mechanized caving mining with ultra-thick seam under barrier lake[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013525.

张科学,王晓玲,何满潮,等. 智能化无人开采工作面适用性多层次模糊综合评价研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013532. ZHANG Kexue,WANG Xiaoling,HE Manchao,et al. Research on multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the applicability of intelligent unmanned mining face[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013532.

陈结,高靖宽,蒲源源,等. 冲击地压预测预警的机器学习方法[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013026. CHEN Jie,GAO Jingkuan,PU Yuanyuan,et al. Machine learning method for predicting and warning of rock burst[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3 (1):013026.

张修峰,曲效成,魏全德. 冲击地压多维度多参量监控预警平台开发与应用[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013013. ZHANG Xiufeng,QU Xiaocheng,WEI Quande. Development and application of multi-dimension multi-parameter monitoring and early warning platform of coal burst[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013013.

李靖宇,王磊,江克贵,等. 基于改进狼群算法的概率积分法模型参数反演方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):017038. LI Jingyu,WANG Lei,JIANG Kegui,et al. Parameter inversion method of probability integral model based on improved wolves algorithm[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):017038.

张官进,闫威,江克贵. 基于变权PB组合预计模型的开采沉陷预计参数反演方法[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013524. ZHNAG Guanjin,YAN Wei,JIANG Kegui. Inversion method for the prediction parameters of mining subsidence based on the PB combination prediction model of variable weight[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013524.

皇甫润,闫顺玺,王晓雷,等. 单轴压缩下片麻岩红外辐射特征研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013011. HUANGFU Run,YAN Shunxi,WANG Xiaolei,et al. Study on infrared radiation characteristics of gneiss under uniaxial compression[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013011.

王东亮,郝兵元,梁晓敏. 基于流固耦合的单一裂隙浆液扩散规律研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(1):013038. WANG Dongliang,HAO Bingyuan,LIANG Xiaomin. Slurry diffusion of single fracture based on fluid-solid coupling[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(1):013038.


高富强. 工作面坚硬顶板水力压裂对采动应力影响的数值模拟研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023032. GAO Fuqiang. Influence of hydraulic fracturing of strong roof on mining-induced stress-insight from numerical simulation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023032.

赵凯凯,姜鹏飞,冯彦军,等. 基于最大周向拉应力准则的水力裂纹起裂特征研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023520. ZHAO Kaikai,JIANG Pengfei,FENG Yanjun,et al. Investigation of the characteristics of hydraulic fracture initiation by using maximum tangential stress criterion[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023520.

张刚艳,于秋鸽,赵高博. 沙吉海矿高强度开采软弱覆岩“两带”高度三维模拟研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023519. ZHANG Gangyan,YU Qiuge,ZHAO Gaobo. Three-dimensional simulation of soft overburden "two-zone" height due to high-intensity mining in Shajihai Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023519.

李磊,李寿君. 基于Schwarz交替法求解分析浅埋近距离煤层开采覆岩结构演化规律[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023515. LI Lei,LI Shoujun. Evolution rule of overlying strata structure in repeat mining of shallow close distance seams based on Schwarz alternating procedure[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023515.

郭良林,周大伟,张德民,等. 采动影响下巷道围岩变形破坏规律[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023038. GUO Lianglin,ZHOU Dawei,ZHANG Demin,et al. Deformation and failure of surrounding rock of a roadway subjected to mining-induced stresses[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023038.

卜滕滕. 深井厚煤层综放工作面顶板运动与沿空巷道围岩变形动态响应关系[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023031. BU Tengteng. Dynamic response relationship between roof movement and deformation of roadway in fully mechanized caving face of deep and thick coal seam [J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023031.

高喜才,王琪,范凯,等. 复合顶板薄及中厚煤层智能超前支护系统研制及应用[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023538. GAO Xicai,WANG Qi,FAN Kai,et al. Study and application of an advanced support system for thin and medium-thick coal seams with composite roof [J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023538.

许延春,赵霖,任志祥,等. 承压防砂煤(岩)柱下溃水溃砂工作面压架机理及支架阻力确定[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023539. XU Yanchun,ZHAO Lin,REN Zhixiang,et al. Mechanism of support crushing and determination of support resistance for water and sand collapse working faces under pressure-resistant sand-prevention coal and rock pillars[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023539.

桂兵,李成海,刘体军,等. 基于震动波CT反演的巷道掘进超前探测技术研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023015. GUI Bing,LI Chenghai,LIU Tijun,et al. Research on advanced detection technology of roadway excavation based on vibration wave CT inversion[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023015.

陈光波,李谭,杨磊,等. 不同煤岩比例及组合方式的组合体力学特性及破坏机制[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023522. CHEN Guangbo,LI Tan,YANG Lei,et al. Mechanical properties and failure mechanism of combined bodies with different coal-rock ratios and combinations[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023522.

薛飞,刘小霞,王天佐. 基于3D打印和数字散斑技术的节理岩体锚固效应分析[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023013. XUE Fei,LIU Xiaoxia,WANG Tianzuo. Research on anchoring effect of jointed rock mass based on 3D printing and digital speckle technology[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023013.

王静雪,刘海松,邱梅. 煤层底板突水危险性评价的FDAHP-TOPSIS模型[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023528. WANG Jingxue,LIU Haisong,QIU Mei. FDAHP-TOPSIS model for evaluation of the water inrush risk from coal floors[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023528.

江克贵,王磊,池深深,等. 耦合拐点偏移修正的Boltzmann函数预计模型及其参数反演方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023527. JIANG Kegui,WANG Lei,CHI Shenshen,et al. Boltzmann function prediction model coupled with the correction of inflection point offset and its parameter inversion method[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023527.

郄磊,史艳楠,刘建功. 矸石固体充填散体材料注浆扩散试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(2):023011. QIE Lei,SHI Yannan,LIU Jiangong. Experimental study on grouting diffusion of gangue solid filling bulk materials[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(2):023011.


杜云楼,冯国瑞,康红普,等. 不同黏结长度锚杆拉拔承载特性研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033012. DU Yunlou,FENG Guorui,KANG Hongpu,et al. Investigation on the pull-out bearing characteristics of bolts with different bond lengths[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033012.

郑建伟,鞠文君,孙晓冬,等. 巷道变形差异化响应特征及支护设计分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033038. ZHENG Jianwei,JU Wenjun,SUN Xiaodong,et al. Differentiation response characteristic of roadway deformation and rock supporting analysis[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033038.

袁光明,何团. 基于统计分析的近距离煤层上行开采可行性判别方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033526. YUAN Guangming,HE Tuan. Feasibility discrimination method of upward mining in close-distance coal seam based on data statistics[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033526.

董合祥. 特厚煤层综放开采沿空掘巷窄煤柱围岩控制[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033017. DONG Hexiang. Ground control of narrow coal pillar in gob side entry driving with fully mechanized top coal caving mining in extra-thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033017.

张东杰,任凤玉,王健多. 崩落法开采岩体冒落及岩移机理[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033521. ZHANG Dongjie,REN Fengyu,WANG Jianduo. Rock mass caving and movement mechanisms of block caving mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033521.

李相熙,朱万成,任敏. 弓长岭露天矿采空区顶板位移超前预测算法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033523. LI Xiangxi,ZHU Wancheng,REN Min. Roof displacement prediction algorithm of goaf in Gongchangling Open-pit Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033523.

王晶,王晓蕾. 下保护层开采时被保护层裂隙发育与渗透特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033511. WANG Jing,WANG Xiaolei. Seepage characteristic and fracture development of protected seam caused by mining protecting strata[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033511.

冀汶莉,刘艺欣,柴敬,等. 基于随机森林的矿压预测方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033525. JI Wenli,LIU Yixin,CHAI Jing,et al. Mine pressure prediction method based on random forest[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033525.

兰世瑞,宋大钊,李振雷,等. 基于损伤因子的断层滑移过程声发射特征试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033024. LAN Shirui,SONG Dazhao,LI Zhenlei,et al. Experimental study on acoustic emission characteristics of fault slip process based on damage factor[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033024.

杨计先,罗明坤,张晓悟,等. 循环加卸载条件下花岗岩力学特性及疲劳损伤演化研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033016.

YANG Jixian,LUO Mingkun,ZHANG Xiaowu,et al. Mechanical properties and fatigue damage evolution of granite under cyclic loading and unloading conditions[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033016.

李单林,刘广建,贾瑞锋,等. 单轴压缩试验端面摩擦效应及损伤演化规律研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033014. LI Shanlin,LIU Guangjian,JIA Ruifeng,et al. Study on friction effect and damage evolution of end face in uniaxial compression test[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033014.

张向阳,任尚磊,徐敏,等. 塌陷区公路路基沉降变形规律模拟[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033527. ZHANG Xiangyang,REN Shanglei,XU Min,et al. Simulation study on settlement and deformation of highway subgrade in subsidence areas[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033527.

贾瀚文,裴佃飞,吴钦正,等. 阿尔哈达铅锌矿采空区群治理方案[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033529. JIA Hanwen,PEI Dianfei,WU Qinzheng,et al. Treatment scheme of goaf group in Alhada Lead-zinc Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033529.

刘泗斐,师鹏,万志军,等. 工作面煤壁振动信号分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(3):033514. LIU Sifei,SHI Peng,WAN Zhijun,et al. Analysis of coal wall vibration[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(3):033514.


王波,陆长亮,黄子康,等. 岩石三轴流变扰动效应损伤演化特征试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043028.WANG Bo,LU Changliang,HUANG Zikang,et al. Experimental study on damage evolution characteristics of rock under triaxial rheological disturbance[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043028.

郭红军,季明,孙中光,等. 循环荷载作用下红砂岩能量演化特征研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043019.GUO Hongjun,JI Ming,SUN Zhongguang,et al. Energy evolution characteristics of red sandstone under cyclic load[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043019.

山世昌,吴拥政,付玉凯,等. 冲击载荷下加锚岩体抗剪力学特性[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043034.SHAN Shichang,WU Yongzheng,FU Yukai,et al. Experimental study on shear mechanical properties of anchored rock mass under impact load[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043034.

蒋志坚,孙赑,平扬,等. 基于大直径SHPB的岩石动态响应特征试验[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043021.JIANG Zhijian,SUN Bi,PING Yang,et al. Experimental study on dynamic response characteristics of rock using based on large diameter SHPB[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043021.

张晓悟,徐金海,刘智兵,等. 不同加载路径条件下软弱夹层泥岩力学响应及变形规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043022. ZHANG Xiaowu,XU Jinhai,LIU Zhibing,et al. Mechanical response and deformation of weak interbedded mudstone under different loading paths[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043022.

雷顺,高富强. 实验室煤体变形特征分析及弹性模量关联模型[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):049922. LEI Shun,GAO Fuqiang. Laboratory study on deformation characteristics of coal mass and correlation model of elastic modulus[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):049922.

李回贵,李化敏,许国胜. 含水率对弱胶结砂岩力学特征的影响规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043029. LI Huigui,LI Huamin,XU Guosheng. Influence of water content on mechanical characteristics of weakly cemented sandstone[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043029.

王普,周海勇,万广绪,等. 硬厚顶板下邻断层工作面不同推采方向应力特征分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043529. WANG Pu,ZHOU Haiyong,WAN Guangxu,et al. Stress characteristics of different mining directions adjacented fault under hard thick roof[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043529.

段昌瑞,郑群,薛俊华,等. 不同工况下深部围岩分区破坏非连续变形试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043038. DUAN Changrui,ZHENG Qun,XUE Junhua,et al. Experimental study on zonal failure discontinuous deformation of deep surrounding rock under different working conditions[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043038.

张村,宋子玉,赵毅鑫,等. 矿井地下水库破碎岩体运移的DEM-CFD耦合分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043011. ZHANG Cun,SONG Ziyu,ZHAO Yixin,et al. DEM-CFD coupling analysis of broken rock mass movement in underground reservoir of coal mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043011.

肖国刚,姚文博. 麻地梁煤矿沟谷地形浅埋煤层矿压显现规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043023. XIAO Guogang,YAO Wenbo. Mining-induced pressures caused by mining shallow buried coal seam in the gully terrain of Madiliang Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043023.

李海涛,彭然,杜伟升,等. 煤样力学行为的结构敏感特性及干预机制试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043012. LI Haitao,PENG Ran,DU Weisheng,et al. Experimental study on structural sensitivity and intervention mechanism of mechanical behavior of coal samples[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043012.

夏永学,冯美华,王书文,等. 基于理论和现场探测相结合的冲击危险性评价方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043017. XIA Yongxue,FENG Meihua,WANG Shuwen,et al. Risk assessment method of rock burst based on the combination of theory and field detection[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043017.

宋解放,陆菜平,李振武,等. 煤层夹矸赋存区应力分布特征及微震活动规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043518. SONG Jiefang,LU Caiping,LI Zhenwu,et al. Characteristics of stress distribution and microseismic activity in rock parting occurrence area[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043518.

刘阳晓,朱万成,刘文胜,等. 基于倾斜摄影测量的露天矿数值模型重构与计算实例[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2021,3(4):043513. LIU Yangxiao,ZHU Wancheng,LIU Wensheng,et al. Refined numerical simulation modeling of open-pit mine based on UAV photogrammetry and case analysis[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2021,3(4):043513.


姚强岭,朱贵伟,郑闯凯,等. 厚煤层沿空巷道主动式超前支护技术与实践[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013531. YAO Qiangling,ZHU Guiwei,ZHENG Chuangkai,et al. Active advanced support technology and practice of thick coal seam along goaf roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013531.

杜君武,黄庆享. 浅埋煤层群不同煤柱错距覆岩结构演化规律及煤柱稳定性分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013018. DU Junwu,HUANG Qingxiang. Overburden structure evolution and coal pillar stability analysis with different offset distance of coal pillars in shallow multi-seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013018.

余鑫,边俊奇,刘长友. 基于动压巷道围岩控制的临空侧顶板压裂释能参数确定[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013016. YU Xin,BIAN Junqi,LIU Changyou. Determination of energy release parameters of hydraulic fracturing roof near goaf based on surrounding rock control of dynamic pressure roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013016.

高晓进,张震,徐刚,等. 双主动超前爆破预制顶板裂隙断顶卸压护巷技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013015. GAO Xiaojin,ZHANG Zhen,XU Gang,et al. Roadway protection by roof breakage and pressure relief with dual-active blasting cracks prefabricated in roof[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013015.

朱磊,古文哲,柴敬,等. 采动覆岩全场变形演化过程分布式光纤监测研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013014. ZHU Lei,GU Wenzhe,CHAI Jing,et al. Evolution of mining-induced overburden deformation using distributed optical fiber[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013014.

翟景辉,任帅,王方田,等. 综放开采矿压显现与瓦斯运移响应规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013013. ZHAI Jinghui,REN Shuai,WANG Fangtian,et al. Response of ground pressure behavior and gas migration in fully mechanized top-coal caving mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013013.

朱清耀,戴俊,贠菲菲,等. 微波照射后花岗岩动力响应及破碎特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):019921. ZHU Qingyao,DAI Jun,YUN Feifei,et al. Dynamic response and fracture characteristics of granite under microwave irradiation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):019921.

肖博,王宇轩,王梓旭,等. 固体充填开采中的矸石粒径级配优化试验[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):013516. XIAO Bo,WANG Yuxuan,WANG Zixu,et al. Experimental on optimization of gangue particle size gradation in solid filling mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):013516.

孙传猛,王燕平,王冲,等. 融合改进YOLOv3与三次样条插值的煤岩界面识别方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):016522. SUN Chuanmeng,WANG Yanping,WANG Chong,et al. Coal-rock interface identification method based on improved YOLOv3 and cubic spline interpolation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):016522.

吴群英,苗彦平,陈秋计,等. 基于Sentinel-2的荒漠化矿区生态环境监测[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(1):017017. WU Qunying,MIAO Yanping,CHEN Qiuji,et al. Monitoring on ecological environment in desertification mining areas based on Sentinel-2[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(1):017017.


张培森,许大强,付翔,等. 基于断层封闭性研究评价其导水性[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023033. ZHANG Peisen,XU Daqiang,FU Xiang,et al. Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity based on fault confinement studies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023033.

王元杰,徐刚,陈法兵,等. 深部厚硬岩层压裂控制冲击弱化机理及可压裂性评价[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023027. WANG Yuanjie,XU Gang,CHEN Fabing,et al. Mining pressure weakening mechanism by ground fracturing and fracturing evaluation of hard rock strata[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023027.

牛滕冲,王方田,王文林,等. 区段煤柱聚能失稳关键因素及控制技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023017. NIU Tengchong,WANG Fangtian,WANG Wenlin,et al. Key factors and control technology of energy-gathered instability of coal pillar[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023017.

邓兆睿,孙德全,任仲久,等. 近距离煤层群半煤岩上保护层开采卸压增透效应研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023524. DENG Zhaorui,SUN Dequan,REN Zhongjiu,et al. Study on pressure relief and permeability enhancement effect of upper protective layer mining of semi-coal rock in close distance coal seam group[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023524.

范子儀,李永亮,孙昊,等. 采动影响下弱胶结软岩巷道非对称变形特征与控制对策[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023012. FAN Ziyi,LI Yongliang,SUN Hao,et al. Characteristics and control measures of unsymmetric deformation of roadways within weakly-cemented soft rock[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023012.

郭钇君,洛锋,李盟,等. 方形巷道围岩拉剪破裂网络发育及演化规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023025. GUO Yijun,LUO Feng,LI Meng,et al. Development and evolution of tension-shear failure network of surrounding rock in square roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023025.

张官进,权玲,李新伟,等. 基于组合赋权和云化物元模型的公路穿越采空区场地稳定性评价[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023013. ZHANG Guanjin,QUAN Ling,LI Xinwei,et al. Evaluation of site stability of highway passing through goaf based on combined weighting and the cloud matter-element model[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023013.

吴家红,刘杰,宋彦彬. 恒定法向刚度边界条件下岩石节理剪胀特性数值模拟[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023023. WU Jiahong,LIU Jie,SONG Yanbin. Numerical simulation of shear dilation characteristics of rock joints under constant normal stiffness boundary conditions[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023023.

程铁栋,张志钊,易其文,等. 基于改进VMD的岩石声发射信号去噪方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023011. CHENG Tiedong,ZHANG Zhizhao,YI Qiwen,et al. Denoising method of rock acoustic emission signal based on improved VMD[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023011.

许良发,姚维,黄腾龙,等. 杨家沟铝土矿充填材料配比优化研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(2):023522. XU Liangfa,YAO Wei,HUANG Tenglong,et al. Research on optimization of filling material proportion in Yangjiagou Bauxite Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(2):023522.


侯刚,王国法,薛忠新,等. 煤矿辅助运输自动驾驶关键技术与装备[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033515. HOU Gang,WANG Guofa,XUE Zhongxin,et al. Key technologies and equipment for automatic driving of coal mine auxiliary transportation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033515.

司林坡. 拉伸与剪切载荷作用下锚杆力学性能试验研究[J].采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033038. SI Linpo. Experimental study on mechanical properties of rock bolts under tension and shear loads[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033038.

李怀珍,贺炫,龙丽群,等. 不同边界约束对锚杆锚固段承载特征影响试验[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033026. LI Huaizhen,HE Xuan,LONG Liqun,et al. Experimental on the influence of different constraint conditions on the bearing characteristics of rock bolt[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033026.

刘虎生,栾恒杰,乔金林,等. 含夹矸煤巷帮部失稳机理与强化支护技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033031. LIU Husheng,LUAN Hengjie,QIAO Jinlin,et al. Failure mechanism and strengthening support technology of gangue-containing coal roadway sidewall[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033031.

谢龙,张德兵,梁顺. 回采巷道注浆锚索超前支护优化及效果模拟[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033011. XIE Long,ZHANG Debing,LIANG Shun. Optimisation and simulation of the effect of grouted cable bolts as advanced support in longwall entries[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033011.

贾毅超,刘萍,韩森,等. 倾斜煤岩层条件回采巷道支护控制技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033029. JIA Yichao,LIU Ping,HAN Sen,et al. Support control technology of roadways within inclined coal strata[J]. Jounal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033029.

刘志高,张守宝,皇甫龙. 腾达煤矿倾斜煤层覆岩运移规律及“三带”高度的确定[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033028.

LIU Zhigao,ZHANG Shoubao,HUANGFU Long. Overburden migration law of inclined coal seam and determination of "three zones" height in Tengda Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033028.

王云搏,张强,孟国豪,等. 基于固体充填开采的充填材料选择设计方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033035. WANG Yunbo,ZHANG Qiang,MENG Guohao,et al. Methods of selecting filling materials for solid filling mining[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033035.

李晓斌,李全生,韩鹏华,等. 高强度开采地表损伤程度分类判别与控制研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(3):033014. LI Xiaobin,LI Quansheng,HAN Penghua,et al. Identification of surface damage degree in high-intensity mining and control technologies[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(3):033014.


朱万成,董航宇,刘溪鸽,等. 金属矿山多矿柱承载与失稳破坏研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043037.ZHU Wancheng,DONG Hangyu,LIU Xige,et al. Review of bearing and instability of multi-pillar in metal mines[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043037.

王东攀,杨鸿智,袁伟茗,等. 厚煤层综放沿空留巷“支-卸”协同围岩控制技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043014.WANG Dongpan,YANG Hongzhi,YUAN Weiming,et al. A "support and pressure relief" ground control technology for double-used roadway with fully-mechanized caving method in thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043014.

孙广建,张洋,常晓亮,等. 大松动圈围岩沿空留巷切顶卸压-恒阻补强分区支护技术[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043027.SUN Guangjian,ZHANG Yang,CHANG Xiaoliang,et al. Technology of partition support by cutting-roof pressure relief and constant resistance reinforcement for double-used roadway with deep excavation-induced damage zone[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043027.

王子越,姜鹏飞,孟宪志,等. 预紧力锚杆支护效果及机理数值对比研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043015.WANG Ziyue,JIANG Pengfei,MENG Xianzhi,et al. Numerical study of support effectiveness and mechanism of pre-stressed bolts[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043015.

孙卓越,吴拥政,孙久政,等. 三维动静加载下煤样动态变形模量长径比效应[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043021.SUN Zhuoyue,WU Yongzheng,SUN Jiuzheng,et al. Length-to-diameter ratio effect of dynamic deformation modulus of coal samples under three-dimensional dynamic and static loading[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043021.

沈凯,肖晓春,徐军. 静、动载荷下含弱层煤岩间超低摩擦效应[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043020.SHEN Kai,XIAO Xiaochun,XU Jun. Ultra-low friction effect of weakly layered composite rock coal under static and dynamic loads[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043020.

张晓悟,徐金海,孙垒,等. 三轴循环加卸载条件下热损伤石灰岩力学特性演化规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(4):043011.ZHANG Xiaowu,XU Jinhai,SUN Lei,et al. Mechanical properties evolution of thermally damaged limestone under triaxial cyclic loading and unloading[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(4):043011.


潘俊锋,闫耀东,马宏源,等. 一次成孔300 mm煤层大直径钻孔防冲效能试验[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053013.PAN Junfeng,YAN Yaodong,MA Hongyuan,et al. Using 300 mm diameter boreholes for coal burst prevention a case study[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053013.

刘剑,周宗红,刘军,等. 基于主成分分析和改进Bayes判别的岩爆等级预测[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053014.LIU Jian,ZHOU Zonghong,LIU Jun,et al. Prediction of rockburst grade based on principal component analysis and improved Bayesian discriminant analysis[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053014.

王杰,李博凡,蒋齐平,等. 工作面采动影响下底板破坏深度微震规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053512.WANG Jie,LI Bofan,JIANG Qiping,et al. Identification of damage depth caused by longwall mining using microseismic technique[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053512.

张宏伟,赵世帆,管隆刚,等. 6.0 m大采高厚硬顶板工作面强矿压特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5)053025.ZHANG Hongwei,ZHAO Shifan,GUAN Longgang,et al. Characteristics of strong mining pressure in 6.0 m high mining height and thick hard roof working face[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053025.

朱俊福,尹乾,张京民,等. 深部缓倾软弱夹层巷道围岩变形演化与非对称支护[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053031.ZHU Junfu,YIN Qian,ZHANG Jingmin,et al. Deformation evolution and asymmetric support of deep-buried surrounding rock mass with a gently inclined weak interlayer[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053031.

赵浩亮,王嵩,张智强,等. 特厚煤层下分层双柔模墙留巷围岩运移及支护优化[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053524.ZHAO Haoliang,WANG Song,ZHANG Zhiqiang,et al. Surrounding rock movement of layered double flexible formwork wall retaining roadway under extra thickness coal seam and support optimization[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053524.

赵增辉,孙伟,刘浩,等. 冲击载荷下节理岩体锚固系统剪切动响应分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053022.ZHAO Zenghui,SUN Wei,LIU Hao,et al. Shear dynamic response of jointed rock mass anchorage system under impact load[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053022.

刘江伟,周广磊,武娜. 人工裂缝形态对煤的抗拉性能及能量积聚的弱化规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053011.LIU Jiangwei,ZHOU Guanglei,WU Na. Weakening effect of artificial fracture morphology on the tensile strength and energy accumulation of coal[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053011.

高喜才,赵程,王琪,等. 早龄期充填混凝土力学行为超声波表征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(5):053012.GAO Xicai,ZHAO Cheng,WANG Qi,et al. Ultrasonic characterization of mechanical behavior of backfilling concrete at early age[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(5):053012.


栾恒杰,曹艳伟,蒋宇静,等. 锚杆拉剪耦合失效模式在FLAC3D中的实现与应用[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063029.LUAN Hengjie,CAO Yanwei,JIANG Yujing,et al. Implementation of tension-shear coupling failure mode of rock bolts in FLAC3D and its application[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063029.

荣海,于世棋,王雅迪,等. 坚硬覆岩的结构失稳运动规律及其对冲击地压的影响[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063026.RONG Hai,YU Shiqi,WANG Yadi,et al. Analysis of structural instability movement of hard overburden and its influence mechanism on rockburst[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063026.

张永强,王襄禹,李冠军,等. 回撤通道顶板结构失稳机理及压裂控制研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063016.ZHANG Yongqiang,WANG Xiangyu,LI Guanjun,et al. Research on the instability mechanism of the roof structure and hydraulic fracturing control technology in longwall recovery room[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063016.

张懿,张向阳,卜庆为,等. 厚煤切顶巷道顶板围岩支护承载稳定性分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063014.ZHANG Yi,ZHANG Xiangyang,BU Qingwei,et al. Analysis on bearing stability of roof surrounding rock support in thick coal roof cutting roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063014.

卢恒,张传宝,仵振华,等. 综放工作面过空巷矿压显现规律及控制技术研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063011.LU Heng,ZHANG Chuanbao,WU Zhenhua,et al. Study on ground pressure and control technology of a fully mechanized top coal caving longwall face passing a pre-driven roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063011.

苗彦平,程利兴,郑旭鹤,等. 浅埋深回采巷道采动应力动态响应特征研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063015.MIAO Yanping,CHENG Lixing,ZHENG Xuhe,et al. Study on dynamic response characteristics of mining stress in shallow deep mining roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063015.

蒋旭梓,李新举,闵祥宇,等. 济宁井工矿区不同开采条件对沉陷阶段的影响[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063028.JIANG Xuzi,LI Xinju,MIN Xiangyu,et al. Influence of different underground mining conditions on the ground surface subsidence in the Jining coal district[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063028.

张晓悟,徐金海,黄宁,等. 水化学侵蚀条件下砂岩力学特性及能量损伤特征演化规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063036.ZHANG Xiaowu,XU Jinhai,HUANG Ning,et al. Mechanical properties and energy damage characteristics of sandstone subjected to hydrochemical erosion[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063036.

许茜,王彦明,张雯超. 基于正交试验的充填体力学及微观特性研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,4(6):063520.XU Qian,WANG Yanming,ZHANG Wenchao. Mechanical performances and microscopic properties of cemented backfilling based on orthogonal experiment[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,4(6):063520.


张淑坤,王来贵,杨浩杰,等. 深部巷道功能性支护构建及数值模拟研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013012.       ZHANG Shukun,WANG Laigui,YANG Haojie,et al. Construction and numerical simulation research of functional supporting in deep roadways[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013012.

郭星辰,郭军,冯国瑞,等. 特厚煤层综放工作面煤-架受力演化特征及其承载机理[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013022.       GUO Xingchen,GUO Jun,FENG Guorui,et al. Stress evolution characteristics and bearing mechanism of coal-hydraulic support in fully-mechanized caving mining face in extra-thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013022.

张浩,伍永平,解盘石. 层理发育型层状岩体承压力学性状演变规律试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013011.   ZHANG Hao,WU Yongping,XIE Panshi. Experimental study on evolution law of compressive mechanical properties of interbedded roof rock[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013011.

弓昊,李铮,胡皓宇. 基于赵固二矿煤岩损伤程度范围确定及渗透率演化规律研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013023.   GONG Hao,LI Zheng,HU Haoyu. Determination of the damage degree of coal rocks and study on the evolution law of permeability based on Zhaogu No. 2 Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013023.

夏雨,卢爱红. 连续级配高强胶结充填体力学特性及破坏特征分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,5(1):013037.       XIA Yu,LU Aihong. Analysis of the mechanical properties and damage characteristics of continuously graded high-strength cemented backfill[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,5(1):013037.

杨丽荣,黎嘉骏,江川,等. 岩样破裂过程声发射参数特征与时频特性分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,5(1):013015.       YANG Lirong,LI Jiajun,JIANG Chuan,et al. Analysis of acoustic emission parameters and time-frequency characteristics in the process of rock sample fracture[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,5(1):013015.

王雁冰,张瑶瑶,聂俊文,等. 冲击荷载下含孔洞砂岩的力学特性[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013024.       WANG Yanbing,ZHANG Yaoyao,NIE Junwen,et al. Mechanical properties of sandstone with holes under impact load[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013024.

陆闯,王元杰,陈法兵,等. 基于地音监测技术的多类型冲击地压前兆特征研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(1):013026.   LU Chuang,WANG Yuanjie,CHEN Fabing,et al. Study on the precursor characteristics of rockbursts based on acoustic emission monitoring technology[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(1):013026.


康红普,姜鹏飞,刘畅. 煤巷智能快速掘进技术与装备的发展方向[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023535.KANG Hongpu,JIANG Pengfei,LIU Chang. Development of intelligent rapid excavation technology and equipment for coal mine roadways[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023535.

张玉军,李友伟,肖杰,等. 厚土层薄基岩高强度开采覆岩破坏高度与特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023015.       ZHANG Yujun,LI Youwei,XIAO Jie,et al. Failure height and characteristics of overlying strata in high-intensity mining with thick soil and thin bedrock[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023015.

王婉洁,高富强. 工作面覆岩采动裂隙演化规律物理及数值模拟研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,5(2):023033.       WANG Wanjie,GAO Fuqiang. Study of the evolution of mining-induced fractures with longwall face proceeds-insight from physical and numerical modeling[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,5(2):023033.

秦子晗,高健勋,郑相春. 沿空缺陷型宽煤柱承载特征及诱冲机理研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):013027.       QIN Zihan,GAO Jianxun,ZHENG Xiangchun. Bearing characteristics and rock burst mechanism of wide coal pillar with defect along gob[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):013027.

郝晓琦,韩刚,解嘉豪,等. 鄂尔多斯矿区小煤柱沿空掘巷冲击地压机理[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023017.       HAO Xiaoqi,HAN Gang,XIE Jiahao,et al. Rock burst mechanism of roadway excavation along goaf with small coal pillar in Ordos mining area[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023017.

杨三萍,刘鹏珍,卢卫永. 不同黏结剂掺量条件下型煤试样三轴压缩试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023027.   YANG Sanping,LIU Pengzhen,LU Weiyong. Study on triaxial compression tests on briquette coal specimens with different binder contents[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023027.

苏红艳,宋平新,何强. 不同养护温度下水泥基尾砂胶结充填体的力学特性及能量演化规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023013.    SU Hongyan,SONG Pingxin,HE Qiang. Mechanical properties and energy evolution of cemented tailings backfill at different curing temperatures[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023013.

葛淑伟,张永茜,秦嘉欣,等. 基于优化SSD-MobileNetV2的煤矿井下锚孔检测方法[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):026525.       GE Shuwei,ZHANG Yongqian,QIN Jiaxin,et al. Rock bolt borehole detection method for underground coal mines based on optimized SSD-MobileNetV2[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):026525.

刘文敬,程守业,荆国业. 反井钻机定向钻进过程中的井帮围岩稳定技术研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023012.   LIU Wenjing,CHENG Shouye,JING Guoye. Study on borehole stabilization technology in directional drilling of raise boring machine [J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023012.

孙志勇,李小菲,王洋,等. 基于DIP技术钻孔结构面参数与强度相关性研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(2):023028.   SUN Zhiyong,LI Xiaofei,WANG Yang,et al. Correlation between structural surface parameters and strength of drilling holes based on DIP technology[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(2):023028.

张科学,闫星辰,何满潮,等. 基于ANP-MEA模型的智能化开采工作面适应性评价研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2022,5(2):023037 ZHANG Kexue,YAN Xingchen,HE Manchao,et al. Study on intelligent adaptability evaluation of intelligent coal mining working face based on ANP and matter-element extension model[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2022,5(2):023037.


张培森,许大强,张晓乐,等. 煤层底板破坏深度多因素影响指标分析与深度预测[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033037.ZHANG Peisen,XU Daqiang,ZHANG Xiaole,et al. Multi-factor influence index analysis and prediction of failure depth of coal seam floor[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033037.

黄华,苗凯军,屠世浩,等. 特厚煤层分叉合并区放煤方式适用性分析与优选[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033528.HUANG Hua,MIAO Kaijun,TU Shihao,et al. Applicability analysis and optimization of top coal caving methods in bifurcation and merged extra-thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033528.

牛向东,侯克鹏,孙华芬. 均匀放矿过程中细粒冰碛物穿流机理试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033511.NIU Xiangdong,HOU Kepeng,SUN Huafen. Experimental study on the flow mechanism of fine-grained moraine in the process of uniform ore drawing[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033511.

赵凯凯,王磊,姜鹏飞,等. 水力压裂裂缝空间转向特征三维数值模拟研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033022. ZHAO Kaikai,WANG Lei,JIANG Pengfei,et al. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture spatial steering[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033022.

王波,陆长亮,崔峰,等. 基于CT扫描岩石蠕变扰动特性单轴压缩试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033023. WANG Bo,LU Changliang,CUI Feng,et al. Uniaxial compression test research on rock creep disturbance characteristics based on CT scanning[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033023.

卢俊平,王远,刘磊,等. 热处理后花岗岩动态拉伸特性及能量耗散研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033012.LU Junping,WANG Yuan,LIU Lei,et al. Study on dynamic tensile properties and energy dissipation of granite after thermal treatment[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033012.

彭相愿,高富强,原贵阳,等. 煤应变型冲击破坏尺寸效应声发射特征试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033031.PENG Xiangyan,GAO Fuqiang,YUAN Guiyang,et al. Experimental study on the size effect of acoustic emission characteristics of coal strainbursts[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033031.

李涛,常岩军,何凯. 基于正交试验的合成纤维及橡胶颗粒对湿喷混凝土力学性能的影响[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033013.LI Tao,CHANG Yanjun,HE Kai. Effects of synthetic fibers and rubber particles on the mechanical properties of wet shotcrete based on orthogonal test[J]. Journal of Mining and Strate Control Engineering,2023,5(3):033013.

王元杰,刘宁,陈法兵,等. 基于井上下微震联合监测技术的地面水平井分段压裂效果分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(3):033011.WANG Yuanjie,LIU Ning,CHEN Fabing,et al. Analysis of horizontal well staged fracturing effect based on the joint monitoring of surface and underground micro-seismic monitoring technology[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(3): 033011.


李青海,柳昌涛,史卫平,等. 基于不同锚固角度的倾斜节理岩体剪切破坏特征研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043025. LI Qinghai,LIU Changtao,SHI Weiping,et al. Study on shear failure characteristics of inclined jointed rock mass based on different anchorage angles[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043025.

吴钦正,刘焕新,尹延天,等. 单轴压缩条件下锚固节理岩体变形特征试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043016.WU Qinzheng,LIU Huanxin,YIN Yantian,et al. Experimental study on deformation characteristics of anchored jointed rock mass under uniaxial compression[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043016.

吕彪,赵象卓,张铁松,等. 大变形巷道锚固系统让压装置设计与支护方案优化[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043027.LYU Biao,ZHAO Xiangzhuo,ZHANG Tiesong,et al. Design of yielding device and optimization of support scheme of anchoring system in large deformation roadway[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043027.

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彭岩岩,周崇,程啸,等. 不同节理倾角下灰岩应变场演化及裂纹发展规律[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043528.PENG Yanyan,ZHOU Chong,CHENG Xiao,et al. Evolution of strain field and crack development of limestone under different joint inclination angles[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043528.

王杰,袁国涛. 不同加载速率下深部砂岩的声发射与破裂响应特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043024.WANG Jie,YUAN Guotao. Acoustic emission and fracture characteristics of deep sandstone under different loading rates[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043024.

王旭锋,贾俊飞,杨战标,等. 极松软厚煤层超高巷道顶部高泡材料充填体强度确定[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043021.WANG Xufeng,JIA Junfei,YANG Zhanbiao,et al. Determination of filling strength of high foam material at the top of ultra-high roadway in extremely soft thick coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043021.

张竞,李骏. 不同温度热处理橡胶-尾砂充填体能量损耗本构关系[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(4):043017.ZHANG Jing,LI Jun. Constitutive relation of energy loss of rubber-tailings backfill treated with different temperatures[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(4):043017.


岳中文,王大乐,王贯东,等. 煤巷掘进临时支护技术与装备研究进展及发展路径[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053047.YUE Zhongwen,WANG Dale,WANG Guandong,et al. Research progress and development path of temporary support technology and equipment for coal mine roadway excavation[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053047.

周鹏赫,吴拥政,付玉凯,等. 锚杆托板与缓冲垫层组合结构动载力学性能研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053041.ZHOU Penghe,WU Yongzheng,FU Yukai,et al. Study on the dynamic mechanical properties of the combined structures of bolt supporting plate and cushioning layer[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053041.

杨舒冰,王梅,杨永康,等. 缓倾斜煤层无煤柱切顶成巷切缝角度及位置研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053011.YANG Shubing,WANG Mei,YANG Yongkang,et al. Study on the dip angle of borehole and position of roof cutting for gob-side entry retained by roof pre-fracturing in gently inclined coal seam[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053011.

吕文玉,李世杰,伍永平,等. “膏体-矸石”复合承载结构的力学特性试验研究[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053513.LYU Wenyu,LI Shijie,WU Yongping,et al. Experimental study on mechanical properties of "paste-gangue" composite bearing structure[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053513.

田文辉,张帝,曹安业,等. 山寨煤矿锯齿状遗留煤柱群应力分布特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053038.TIAN Wenhui,ZHANG Di,CAO Anye,et al. Stress distribution characteristics of serrated residual coal pillar groups in Shanzhai Coal Mine[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053038.

宛志红,郑顺元,李磊,等. 焦作矿区薄基岩厚松散层工作面微震响应特征[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053021.WAN Zhihong,ZHENG Shunyuan,LI Lei,et al. Microseismic response characteristics of working face with thin bedrock and thick loose layer[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053021.

李海,杜涛涛,孙秉成,等. 坚硬顶板磨砂射流轴向切顶防冲技术研究[J].  采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053044.LI Hai,DU Taotao,SUN Bingcheng,et al. Bursting preventation of hard roof by axialslit cutting and fracturing with abrasive jet[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053044.

龙泊含,雍睿,钟振,等. 基于改进Morgenstern-Price法的露天矿山边坡稳定性分析[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053039.LONG Bohan,YONG Rui,ZHONG Zhen,et al. Slope stability analysis of open pit mine based on the improved Morgenstern-Price method[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053039.

郭小铭,刘英锋,谷占兴. 彬长矿区煤层开采导水裂隙带高度探测及计算[J]. 采矿与岩层控制工程学报,2023,5(5):053526.GUO Xiaoming,LIU Yingfeng,GU Zhanxing. Detection and calculation of the height of water flowing fractured zone of coal roof in Binchang mining area[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering,2023,5(5):053526.


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